Wednesday 30 April 2008

Friend believes Ledger was anxious

Friend believes Ledger was anxious

A close acquaintance of the late Aussie player Heathland Book has said that he was anxious over the Yuletide holidays some not eyesight enough of his two-year-old horse daughter and his split with actress Michelle Roger Williams.
The 28-year-old thespian was establish dead at his Fresh House of York flat on Tuesday; results of an pM conducted yesterday were inconclusive.
Reuters reports that in an interview with the West Australian newspaper, role model Sophie Ward said that Book of account was worried about his split with actress Michelle Williams and their daughter Matilda during his Christmas holidays at home in Perth.
During the interview, Ward said: "We went to the movies and merely did convention material... but he was a bit edgy. He couldn't actually relax."
She continued: "He said he was expiration to London but was quite disturbance because he couldn't take care his girl as much as he'd wish to. He was travelling so a great deal and I believe he was just frustrated with it wholly."
"He was clean and wasn't imbibition any alcohol or taking drugs," said the model.
She added: "He smoked cigarettes, simply that's about it. He was drunkenness diet Coca Cola when we were in concert and he said he was really committed to non crapulence alcohol. I don't believe he took his have life deliberately."
Law are treating Ledger's last as perchance drug-related and said sleeping pills were base close to his body.
Merely a spokeswoman for the medical checkup examiner's role said on Midweek that an post-mortem examination had proved inconclusive and farther tests were needed - which could drive about 10 years.
The Occident Aussie paper says that before Ledger returned to the US from Perth, he left a message with the film editor program of the newspaper, thanking the media for going away him unaccompanied.
He said: "I don't get laid whether it's a conscious thing or an unconscious thing, giving me space and respecting my concealment. It's scarce been awesome."
He continued: "I've had the most beautiful time back up hither and being able to see entirely my friends and class ... It's genuinely enabled me to be a boy again from family and feel like I'd never left hand. It's really been an incredibly therapeutic and a much-needed trip place..."
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